Thursday, June 6, 2024

All Things Considered, My Love


All things considered, my love, yesterday

was not really a special day although it

was the 69th year of our marriage. On

the other hand, every one of those days

comprising the 69 years to the present

have been in their variety, discovery and

mutual love beyond special, fulfilling our

shared sense of adventure and wonder at the

ways of the world, our lives within nature

the nature of our enduring passion for one

another, the pleasure and the surprises in

store for us as we moved together from our

childhood to maturity and in the fullness

of time, parenthood then grandparent status.

Our mutual dependence measured in trust 

and love to take us through those stages of

life came with uncountable rewards each one

awarded as a reflection of our binary reliance

on a love that knows no bounds, our destiny.


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