Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Winning Game,c_fill/f_webp

A diabolical regime of ferocious clerics

for whom the sacred duty of delivering death

to enemies of their omnipotent, omniscient

and benevolent Creator whose focus is the

promotion of jihad by instilling terror into the

minds and souls of those they target while

their armed and primed militias strike to kill

dissenters and opponents finally takes the

opportunity to extract vengeance upon the

state that dares to extinguish the lives of its

elite campaign commanders to forestall further

bloodshed. Hundreds of deadly drones and

missiles dispatched over the airspace of its

enemy, virtually all destroyed before their

mission achieved, by the alert and armed

signatories to war avoidance yet the regime

exults over its 'victory', declaring themselves

to have 'won' a life-and-death contest. And the

only nation on Earth held to a standard of response

no other is ever expected to submit to, is

prodded to refrain from responding to that

declaration of war, but to consider the dread

and fear of its people anticipating death to be

amenable to considering their survival a 'win'.

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