Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Sisterhood of Woke

Their warped minds have become legendary

those harridans and harpies whose wrath

shrivels courage in the minds of others who

might, principles intact, protest and challenge

the assertions and demands that have turned

the public discourse and the social compact

not to mention the very science of nature's

biology inside out in their twisted rage. They

ferociously champion issues and beliefs in

their versions of human nature, alert and prepared

to challenge any who might question blatant

absurdities dividing people into categories of

victims and oppressors, male and female, worthy

and trans-unworthy, unleashing upon the world a

totally new and absolutely perverse rendition of

reality they will protect tooth and nail as they

ravish reputations and isolate, mock and condemn

contradiction of their nature-averse world view

as they seek to destroy normalcy and logic in human 

relations in recognition of men as women who

as women still rape women, as female athletes

out-sporting biological women, herding children

diagnosed as gender dysphoric toward life-altering 

surgeries to match their juvenile delusions, intent on

thundering abuse at white privilege's dominance 

over colonized people of colour as they rant and

roar mandated respect for the lunatic absurd even

as intersectionality overtakes the world of reason.



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