They flee in droves from the oppression
of those that govern their native lands
fearful of sectarian conflict and tribal violence
of revenge attacks so ancient few can cite
their origins yet honour demands vengeance
for murders, displacement, looting and carnage
whose shame will never be forgotten. The
culture that restrains women in a bondage
of servitude, censure and withdrawal also
imposes on one another strata of influence
and entitlement, stifling and enraging spurring
emigration to lands where freedom and
prosperity beckon. Inculcated from birth to
death with contempt and suspicion for the
'other' and steeped deep in religious fervor
the crucible that generates scornful hatred
of tradition's choice enemy whose existence
is construed as an assault on the sensibilities
of the faithful, in their adopted homes they
diligently seek out that enemy's presence to
challenge and threaten, inspiring violence so
similar to what they fled. When the critical mass
of numbers is achieved the time is ripe for a
chorus of vociferous demands to install their
version of values and justice. The one-time
immigrants, refugees and migrants now feel
entitled to transform the social mores and values
of their haven nations to resemble those they
fled in a panic of self-preservation even as their
next generation glorifies those theocracies, the
tyrannical rulers, the warlords and Sheikdoms
viewing the hatred emanating from their countries
of origin against their adopted countries fully
justified and consonant with their own generational
impetus to alter the foundation of equality, liberty
and opportunity to reflect the stern rigidity
of the sacred texts demanding humble servitude
of the masses in service to the Almighty
addressed by the clerical pillars in devotion
to the principal precept of domination and fear.
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