Monday, April 8, 2024

Sanctioning Israel


Truly, humankind is amazing in its endless 
capacity to mount episode after episode of 
boundless inchoate rage, all targeting one
minuscule sliver of a nation whose very
existence sends its despisers into paroxysms 
of twisted fantasies to support their contention
of its evil illegitimacy. Its accusers, those
whose actions are rife with atrocities inflicted
upon their own wax shrill in concerted
sanctimony over a hated nation indifferent 
 to their accusations, itself a paragon of civility
-- in an uncivil geography -- where various
religions, ethnic groups and minorities share
a just system of equal rights. This tiny nation
embattled and slandered gives the United Nations
that august bastion of universal human rights 
and equality among member states the very
reason for its existence for its unifying
force is not unqualified support of the qualities
it claims, but mutual agreement in a self
serving pact to ensure that hostile denunciations
of that nation continue unabated, a purpose
for which gratitude can be detected when
hypocritical accusers mount central stage as
appointed arbiters of justice and fairness
foreign in application in their own nations
deflecting notice to mete out sanction after
insult even while the appointees launch deadly
conflict within their spheres of influence
littering their worlds with the corpses
of those they identify as enemies of the state.
Those nations whose values and customs echo
that of Israel's see fit to cravenly stand witness.



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