Tuesday, December 5, 2023

You're BLOCKED!!!


How very gratifyingly self-affirming it can be to

express one's opinions freely taking care not to be

too ignorant of what one defends in an expression 

of experience and thoughtfulness and to exchange 

with others mutual conclusions that mesh and yet 

not quite mirror one another's. In the process learning 

what has not before been known and simultaneously

adding to someone else's store of knowledge in a 

free-style exchange between minds complementary

to broaden one's horizons and at the same time 

take comfort that we are not alone in this great wide 

world where instant communication has been a 

boon to society at the very time it has unleashed

virulent attitudinal sociopathy, others feeling free

to debauch a priceless resource by casting wide 

a net of hateful propaganda. In which instances 

yet another sterling quality raises itself to render 

the thought-predators absent from the conversation 

a tool offering complete satisfaction and absolute 

freedom of self agency when the program is instructed 

to turn itself into the gatekeeper of one's vision as

unassailable by dark forces which urges that the 

shock imposed by the stark dark souls that creep 

maliciously through the system be BLOCKED. 

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