Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Advance to DIE


The words themselves and by themselves

are perfectly salubrious; oddly, linked they

proclaim themselves DIE and with their eager

application much has died in the process of their

institution in the hallowed halls of advanced

studies since diversity, inclusion and equality

spell the death of intellectual advancement

to the present reserved for those capable of

and proving able to put their minds to study

in the performance of acquiring knowledge of

the science of existence and the byways of the

human mind within the structure of atoms that

comprise the universe. Where once recognition

of intellectual rigour and creative minds gained

entry to academies of higher learning these are

no longer the requisite qualifications of choice

for it is not now the grey matter of the body's

internal chemical engine but the pigment of

the epidermis that ranks as sole entitlement for

entry to academia now fostering an ideology

of ideological gain for the oppressed and the

marginalized who will thrive on the curricula

of exclusion of white imperialists, usurpers of

human rights, in the interests of outcomes that

reward lack of intellect while punishing the

merits of reason through power of mind.



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