Friday, December 8, 2023

Evidence is Not Proof!

Vengeance best served cold when women recall 

incidents of the distant past that may have pleased 

them then, the attention of a man expressing the 

now-outdated admiration of a woman leading to a 

touch now viewed as a bodily invasion hugely 

inappropriate bordering on sex assault where no

matter how long ago and the vagaries of memory 

the accusation holds opprobrium from which the 

accused may never recover -- from a permissive 

society to one in stern judgement where the woman 

is believed, the man reviled. But there are exceptions. 

Men on fire with the psychosis of hate and rage can 

flood a peaceful gathering of music lovers to 

surround fleeing women, savagely mutilate them

gang-rape girls and women, torture and laugh at their

agony before slaughtering them and desecrating

their fragile corpses while delightedly capturing

the moment on video and displaying them to

great applause. Yet those women who recalled

long-ago indignities to their person insist there

is no proof that terrorism exploded in a blast

furnace of abduction, rape, mutilation and joy.



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