We've come prepared, to dole out
the day's offerings, tucking them
into the crevices in tree bark,
atop branched ledges and jagged
stumps, everywhere our furry fan
club has long been accustomed to
finding them miraculously placed.
Though a chill wind blasts the
air, drifting the early morning's
snow flurries, the sun has lashed
its rays through bright partitions
in the pewter-clouded sky, and
hook-winged crows circle above
the woods, while nuthatches flit
through snow-dusted branches.
Some furtively, others robustly
unafraid and entitled, emerge in
their numbers of red, black and grey,
searching out the treats, our homage
to the small creatures who manage
to weather dire winter that storms
their hushed woodland retreat.
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