Thursday, January 25, 2024

Putin, the Devil's Jester


Just so hard to tell with psychopathic

megalomaniacs. So is this sadist merely

playing a cat-and-mouse game trifling with

a world audience looking in on his war crimes

committed in Ukraine, adamant that he will

not lift his 'special military operation' that

has killed thousands, wrought ruin on a

peaceful country, occupied a fifth of that

sovereign country's territory proclaiming it

Russian territory henceforth, destroyed

hospitals and schools, left towns and villages

smouldering in rubble, abducted children

to isolate them from their heritage -- teasing

or taunting when he demands the withdrawal

of a military tasked to secure the safety of 

inhabitants of Israel after a foul, predatory

attack by a neighbour which shares so many

characteristics of the Putin dictatorship in

its deadly atrocities committed against the

innocent. Or is he, true to form as a pariah

supreme, enjoying his own sick humour

where there is none to be found in the bleak

black fog of war -- this man with his foul 

bellicosity that threatens a continent?  

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