Sunday, January 28, 2024


In a ritual as ancient as deep time the choreograph 

is endlessly replayed reflecting nature's ritualistic 

genetic endowment of all living creatures struggling 

to fulfill their portion of the imperative of survival 

long after the vestigial deep-rooted urge has served 

its purpose. An indigenous inheritance claimed

through right of settlement by an invading tribe 

recalling primal antagonisms. In the current replay 

claimants ululate in unadulterated joy at the sight of

mutilated corpses of the despised brought to death 

by their defenders for whom rape, pillage and slaughter 

speak of the depth of their will to destroy their

despised opposition. Those they slate for death and 

slake their bloodlust with predictably respond with 

like resolution setting out to destroy all who would 

destroy them. Soon the celebratory admirers of the

death-cult discover that they themselves must pay

the consequences of the evil that excited them to joy 

and suddenly their role as willing sacrifices wherein 

they must die in defense of their defenders' right to 

annihilate others loses its lustre when they are 

deprived of life's necessities and life itself to enable 

their chiefs' exultant glory amid heroic plaudits.


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