Saturday, March 23, 2024

Tragedy Strikes Russia

In this pool photograph distributed by the Russian state agency Sputnik, Russia's President Vladimir Putin speaks on the phone in Moscow on March 23, 2024, the day after a gun attack on the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk. (Mikhail METZEL / POOL / AFP)

And so, Vladimir, there is nothing quite so 

convincing as very personal experience in this 

world raw with the wounds of Islamist terror.

Your casual oblivion over the savagery of that

planned-and-executed assault on Israelis by

the death cult whose exploits you are capable

of shrugging off in the base interests of 

re-establishing a useful presence in the Arab

world of fractious intolerance of a Jewish

presence where the most bestial sexual assaults

and pitiless torment of women, children, elderly

all innocent of provocation but targeted for rape

mutilation, death, hostage-taking not your problem

until suddenly it is. Just as Israel's military strikes

back at the terrorists bedeviling its existence

earning your censure, so too will the Kremlin's

forces make every effort to destroy the shifting

shadowy presence of the Islamist scourge that

threatens the world order, in a sense mirroring

what you yourself have imposed on Eastern Europe

threatening destruction and the spectre of an

unthinkable nuclear winter should a security

threat loom over Russia in support of Ukraine.

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