Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Desolation of Abandonment

An activist in a swarm of people holds a sign that says “#MeToo unless you’re a Jew.”

This is the desolating reality that Jews in Israel 

face, that compassion and sympathy teeter on 

the brink of vestigial Jew-hate edging to the fore

re-ignited all too readily balancing heavily against 

situations that inspire horror and disgust when 

sadistic violence of horrific dimensions occur 

to innocent children, girls and women beset

by organized mass rapes and the world turns

away. It is always Jews who can look after

themselves; empathy and compassion withheld

retained for those who wallow in cries of eternal 

victimhood, capturing the pity and attention of 

an international community quick to accuse 

Israeli soldiers of war crimes in suspected rapes 

for which no evidence exists. The inhuman carnage 

wrought by Palestinian terrorists and civilians 

raping, torturing and murdering Jewish girls and 

women was well documented on October 7 and 

the world yawned. Yet Palestinian terrorists 

casually recounting their exploits in mass rape can 

be excused; their angst boiled over into a Hellscape.

As prisoners of the Israeli military should the

question be broached how they might feel in

return if their mothers, wives, daughters were

raped and slaughtered, global condemnation is 

swift accusing Israel of perpetrating war crimes 

by tormenting prisoners of war whose love of

barbaric bloodlust and cruelty condemns them.

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