Thursday, August 22, 2024

“Because the Jews ruined Christmas”


Oh, look! A class of third-grade children taught 

a history lesson by their teacher and just in time for 

Christmas. A re-enactment of the Holocaust, no less

an object lesson in a people's unforgivable sin against 

a Jewish prophet disbelieving his claim to a godhead 

and just as womanhood is haunted by Pandora's box

escapees, so too are Jews shunned in perpetuity as 

perpetrators of  the original deicidal plot earning the 

undying enmity of the spirit of existence and all 

humanity of divine faith. Here, Yiddele, you play Hitler 

and here, little boys and girls -- dig graves, shoot Jews 

for they must be punished for ruining Christmas. The

children wailed and grieved as they died in gas chambers

their pleas for mercy unanswered as transport trains 

kept on delivering them to their deserved punishment 

so that children playing Jews would fully know the extreme 

gravity of Jewish sin deserving obliteration. How

fitting their teacher was Black and thus entitled to her

mission to expand children's view of the world by

recalling history to show that some lives really and

truly do not matter. Hers the legacy of malicious hate.



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